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September 15 2023
During our First meeting of the year we learned about policies and procedures. We introduced our steering team (see them below, aren't they pretty?) and our theme of the year "Say Yes" (Video below)
Make sure to check out your table box for your "About Me" form, policy handouts and name plates.
2023-24 Fort Mill Mops Steering Team
Heidi Buksbazen: Discussion Group Leader Coordinator
Katelyn Brady: MOPSKids Coordinator
Kristina Birke: Social Media Coordinator
Lori Keller: Mentor Mom Coordinator
Kristen Clements: Creative Activities Co-Coordinator
Sarah Winkler: Lead Coordinator
Katie Cottingham: Hospitality Coordinator
Blair Skelton: Finance/Membership Coordinator
Kyla Bays: Assistant Coordinator
Lindsey Waller: Creative Activities Co-Coordinator

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